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The 11 Best Riftbreaker Mods

The best Riftbreaker mods are the ones that make you feel like a real-life basketball player. Here are some of the top examples for PC players to check out, with games ranging from NBA Jam to Newgrounds Basketball Fun Time!

The “Riftbreaker walkthrough” is a video that tells you the best way to complete the game. It has been viewed more than 2 million times.


The Riftbreaker has a lot to offer in terms of mechanics, and as with every release with mod possibilities these days, the community has taken a lot of the game into its own hands. Many of the game’s most vexing aspects may be addressed using modifications, and some of them can even introduce new gameplay components to liven things up.

For the time being, we’ll show you 11 of the greatest modifications in The Riftbreaker. The game still has a lot of room for improvement, but the modding community has already made some great contributions.

Modification: Increased Storage

The ability to store additional energy, liquid, solid materials, and munitions may make a big difference in the success of your Riftbreaker campaign.

The difficulty is that if you want to do this in the vanilla version, you’ll have to greatly extend your base and spend even more resources.

This patch eliminates all of that extra labor and just provides you with a large amount of additional storage capacity without the need to extend your base.

Obtain this mod.

Long-Range Energy Modification

Energy collection and preservation may be difficult, which is why having efficient energy connections can make or break the deal.

This patch raises the maximum distance of energy connections from 5 to 10 tiles, which makes a significant impact when you test it out.

Furthermore, as a pleasant little extra from the mod developer, it will recover your health at a rate of 1HP every second.

Obtain this mod.

Modifications to the Bioscanner’s Speed

The Bioscanner is a must-have device for growing new materials, but any The Riftbreaker player knows how time-consuming and tedious it can be.

The Bio Speed mod corrects this problem by allowing you to manually set scanning speed at the following rates:

You may now control the direction of your study on your own terms.

Obtain this mod.

Modification for Massive Repair

The creator seems to have purposefully made a number of things in The Riftbreaker grindy, including the repair bots and the pace at which they function.

MKeller25’s new update will offer you a whole new infrastructure of repair bots that can now deploy up to 20 troops at once, compared to only one in the original version of the game.

Obtain this mod.

Geoscanner Tweak Mod is a mod for the geoscanner.

When the Boscanner’s fault was its excruciatingly slow scanning periods, the Geoscanner’s actual issue is the range it covers while treasure seeking.

The Geoscanner Tweak mod greatly extends the range, allowing you to more efficiently hunt for important resources. This one will not only save you time, but it will also earn you money.

Obtain this mod.

Modifications to the Bioscanner’s Speed

The Bioscanner is a must-have device for growing new materials, but any The Riftbreaker player knows how time-consuming and tedious it can be.

The Bio Speed mod corrects this problem by allowing you to manually set scanning speed at the following rates:

You may now control the direction of your study on your own terms.

Obtain this mod.

There are no random weapons in this mod.

Players will notice that all weapons have randomly generated damage values while manufacturing any armor or weapons in The Riftbreaker’s crafting menu.

This parameter is difficult to affect in the game, therefore if you don’t want to put your campaign’s success in the hands of RNG, you should install this mod, which always sets your built weapon damage to maximum.

Obtain this mod.

Modifications to the Tanky Pipes and Floors

Every player in The Riftbreaker who has progressed to the latter stages of the game has seen the destructive consequences of meteor showers and tornadoes on their bases.

If you wish to keep your foundation safe from harm, this mod will assist you in armoring it everything so that damage is fully eliminated.

Obtain this mod.

Modifier Vaporater

This one-of-a-kind mod for The Riftbreaker doesn’t affect any current game instances, but it does provide a new building type: the Vaporater.

At a rate of 50 energy to 25 water, this structure is capable of converting energy into water. You may have it from the start with this mod, and it can be quite useful in waterless biomes like the desert.

Obtain this mod.

Modification for High-Speed Drilling

Another tweak to speed up your activities, this time focusing on mining and mineral drilling.

Because the drill only has one speed, which is immediate, you won’t be able to alter it to your liking. Mining is something you do all the time in The Riftbreaker, so you won’t have to do it.

Obtain this mod.

Modifications to Rare Element Synthesizers

Carbonium and Ironium are two rare elements synthesizers currently available in the game. However, this mod adds a few more that will undoubtedly make you happy once you put them in place:

  • Cobalt
  • Titanium
  • Palladium
  • Uranium

All of the additional synthesizers will be accessible through the game’s Resource menu once you’ve installed the update.

Obtain this mod.

These are the greatest modifications for The Riftbreaker, and be sure to check out our dedicated hub page for more information.

25th of October, 2021

“Riftbreaker” is a popular game for the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. The 11 best mods are listed below. Reference: rift breaker.

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