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Cycling for All Ages: From Kids to Seniors

According to the NHS, kids should have at least 60 minutes per day of physical activity; for adults it is 150 minutes of moderate activity per week. These recommendations might be challenging, especially for adults. In that case, staying informed and educating ourselves about the benefits of physical activity and prevention can be a significant motivation booster to start working out.

One activity that’s good for kids and grownups is cycling.

Encouraging Kids to Cycle

Physical activity carries many benefits that promote kids’ healthy development. Giving that kids best learn by example, showing them instead of just telling them why it is essential to exercise, will have quicker yet more durable effects.

Cycling, for instance, is a great group activity. It enables friends and families to spend quality time with each other outdoors, motivating even the youngest members to build a healthy lifestyle.

Cycling Keeps Kids Away from the Screens

Let’s be honest. How can we tell our children not to spend too much time on their phones when adults do the same? If you want to encourage them to spend more time in nature, organize a smartphone-free cycling day. It is fun yet good for everyone’s physical and mental health.

Riding a Bike Enhances Kids’ Motor Skills

An activity that’s good for our body is most likely beneficial to our brain and mind. That’s the case with cycling.

Riding a bike strengthens the connection between our body movement and brain, improving our coordination and balance. The reason to motivate kids to be physically active is because cycling, for instance, enhances proprioception – kids’ awareness of body movements and position in space.

Bike Rides to Higher Self-Esteem

There’s a saying: Once you teach your little ones to ride a bike, they’ll never forget. However, the younger a person is when they first sit on the bike, the faster they learn. Of course, don’t let age stop you from learning to cycle.


Learning how to ride a bike increases kids’ sense of achievement, inspiring them to approach other tasks in life with confidence. It also builds their sense of independence, as they can use it as a means of transportation if the conditions in their area allow it.

Motivate Adults to Cycle

Adults often get caught up in everyday responsibilities, trying to juggle their personal and private lives successfully, which leaves them less time to engage in activities such as working out. But it all comes down to prioritization and good time management.

As we get older, our body becomes weaker and more prone to disease. Physical activity is a valuable tool for preventing or managing certain health conditions.

Cycling Improves Physical Health

People over the age of 50 who cycle regularly are at lower risk of suffering from severe conditions such as heart attack or stroke. Pedaling helps maintain optimal cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Arthritis is common in the elderly population. Cycling helps lose or maintain desired weight and build muscle, easing the pressure on the joints and making them mobile and strong.

Bicycle: Your Ally In Protecting Mental Health

One of the most significant benefits of outdoor physical activities is their impact on the psyche and mood. Cycling in nature eases the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It is also great for practicing mindfulness and improving mood as it activates endorphins, a feel-good hormone.

How to Start Cycling

These tips are for cyclists of all ages and experiences.


What else to take into consideration

  • Stay hydrated
  • Stretch prior and post-ride
  • Always wear a helmet
  • Listen to your body
  • Pay attention to your surroundings
  • Stay focused and avoid distractions like listening to music
  • Be aware of road conditions and laws

It is critical to teach kids about staying safe while riding a bike. The same goes for adults. So, if you aren’t confident enough to cycle in crowded traffic, opt for safer options, like cycling in the park.

Finally, don’t pressure yourself or the kids. Start with shorter and less demanding rides. The more you/they cycle, the more intensive and longer the rides will be. And, of course, more enjoyable.

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